Best dog walkers in Fort Mcdowell

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Best dog walkers in Fort Mcdowell

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Bailey S avatar

1. Bailey S

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Scottsdale, AZ, 85259


Five stars

4.9 (254)

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Scottsdale, AZ, 85259

Brenna B avatar

2. Brenna B

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Scottsdale, AZ, 85259


Five stars

5 (62)

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Scottsdale, AZ, 85259

Xyler S avatar

3. Xyler S

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Fountain Hills, AZ, 85268


Five stars

4.6 (11)

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Fountain Hills, AZ, 85268

Ciara L avatar

4. Ciara L

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Fountain Hills, AZ, 85268


Five stars

5 (3)

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Fountain Hills, AZ, 85268

Shelby M avatar

5. Shelby M

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Rio Verde, AZ, 85263


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4.9 (57)

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Rio Verde, AZ, 85263

Lillian F avatar

6. Lillian F

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Scottsdale, AZ, 85255


Five stars

5 (6)

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Scottsdale, AZ, 85255

Abby M avatar

7. Abby M

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Scottsdale, AZ, 85255


Five stars

5 (1)

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Scottsdale, AZ, 85255

Lisa P avatar

8. Lisa P

Wag! Expert icon
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Scottsdale, AZ, 85259


Five stars

4.9 (1318)

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Location icon

Scottsdale, AZ, 85259

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Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

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Why book a dog walker in Fort Mcdowell?

Busy pet parents sometimes need a hand when it comes to ensuring their pup is getting the potty breaks and exercise they need. That's where Wag! comes in! Local Fort Mcdowell, AZ dog walkers are background checked and registered on the Wag! platform, ready to take your dog on an adventure when you need them. Your dog can make a friend in the neighborhood, and you can re-book with the same dog walker easily in the app. Fort Mcdowell, AZ has "pawlenty" of parks and neighborhoods that your dog is itching to explore!

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Fort Mcdowell



North El Pueblo Blvd/E Grande Blvd

Right next to Fort McDowell is Fountain Hills, where you will find the Dog Park at Desert Vista Park. This three-acre off-leash park is the perfect place for your pup to run off some energy, with two fenced areas, one for big dogs and one for the smaller breeds, as well as seating and shade for you. There is water available, but bring Fido’s bowl to drink from. Close by is Fountain Park, with a popular trail circling the lake. There is also the Lake Overlook Trail branching out from here, which winds north through the suburbs and offers spectacular views of the lake, fountain and nearby hills. Keep your pup on a lead while walking these trails, bring your water, and always clean up after your pet.



Dixie Mine Circle

If you are looking for a serious walk with your pup, head to the Pemberton Trail in the McDowell Mountain Regional Park in Fountain Hills. The main loop is 15.5 miles, but there are other shorter trails in the area such as Bluff Trail and Granite Trail at around 3.5 miles each, and the slightly shorter Tonto Tank Trail. This is Arizona landscape at its best out here. There are some impressive vistas, but not lot of shade. Make sure you pick your times (not too hot!), dress appropriately and bring plenty of water for both you and your dog. You will need to keep him on a lead throughout the area.



Pinnacle Peak Heights/Pinnacle Peak Heights IV

Branching out west from the McDowell Mountain Regional Park into Scottsdale are two more pup-proof trails to check out. Tom’s Thumb is approximately 4.5 miles, with parking and restrooms available at the trailhead. The Marcus Landslide Trail is just under four miles long and offers an easy walk with incredible views of the Sonoran Valley. Dotted along the way is signage explaining some of the unique geographical formations that resulted from one of Arizona’s largest landslides. There is little shade here and no water available, so come prepared. Your dog must be leashed in this area and always clean up after him.



East Shea Blvd/ North 128th St

Lost Dog Wash Trailhead in Scottsdale is a great place to get out into the fresh Arizona air with your dog. The area offers numerous trails of varying lengths and difficulties, so there is something to suit everyone. The longest is just under five miles and each trail is well signposted. The trailhead has parking, restrooms, and a water fountain, but pack plenty of water to take with you on the trails, as it can get very hot. Your dog will need to stay leashed through here, but will love sniffing his way along the paths and maybe even meeting new friends along the way. Take your clean up bags and any treats or snacks to enjoy along the way.



Val Vista Corridor

Head south of Fort McDowell to Mesa and check out the Quail Run Dog Park in Quail Run Park, where your dog will love the chance to run off-lead in this large grassed area. There are two fenced areas, one for the bigger, bouncier pups and one for the little timid guys. Water troughs and fountains are dotted around the park, and there is plenty of shade and rest areas for you. Doggie waste bags are provided on-site to help keep the place clean and well-maintained. Quail Run Park itself has picnic areas, a playground and toilet facilities, making for a great day out for the whole family.

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Fort Mcdowell, AZ?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Fort Mcdowell, AZ?


How long does a dog walk last in Fort Mcdowell, AZ?


How to book a dog walk in Fort Mcdowell, AZ?


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