Best dog walkers in Texarkana

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Best dog walkers in Texarkana

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1. Christine L

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Jefferson, TX, 75657


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Jefferson, TX, 75657

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Why find pet care through Wag!?

Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

Why book a dog walker in Texarkana?

Busy pet parents sometimes need a hand when it comes to ensuring their pup is getting the potty breaks and exercise they need. That's where Wag! comes in! Local Texarkana, TX dog walkers are background checked and registered on the Wag! platform, ready to take your dog on an adventure when you need them. Your dog can make a friend in the neighborhood, and you can re-book with the same dog walker easily in the app. Texarkana, TX has "pawlenty" of parks and neighborhoods that your dog is itching to explore!

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Texarkana



Summerhill Rd/ College Dr

Your dog will love the Summerhill Road/ College Drive neighborhood, because this is where Texarkana's finest park is located. The 145 acre Spring Lake Park boasts a spring-fed lake at the center of it, along with a disc golf course, fishing piers, picnic areas and a playground. There is a 1.75 mile walking trail that will take you and Fido through the park, known as the Phillip McDougal Trail, but what your pup will love the most is the park's Kylee Sullivan Dog Park. This fully fenced-off dog park provides a safe environment for your pooch to run free off the lead, with separate areas for smaller and larger dogs, although you will need to bring your own water and doggie bags. 



Texarkana City Center

For dogs who like parks, Texarkana's City Center is the place to go. Begin by taking a stroll around Lee Park, where you will find baseball fields and a playground. The Tiger Stadium Grim Park is another popular sporting area, but has a paved path looping its way around the outer edge of the park. Kidtopia Park is one of the newest parks in the city, with a large playground, a skate park, picnic tables and a paved walking trail. Since these are all city parks, you will need to keep Fido on a lead at all times, and don't forget to bring along some doggie bags and drinking water too. 



E Broad St/ Sanderson Ln

Less than a mile from the heart of Texarkana in Texas is the E Broad Street/ Sanderson Lane neighborhood of Texarkana in Arkansas, where you will find even more parks to take your pooch to. Jefferson Park tends to be the most popular, because not only is this large park home to playgrounds, sports facilities and walking paths, but this is also where you will find the PetSafe JefFURson Dog Park. This park has separate areas for smaller and larger dogs, and another with agility equipment, as well as a few benches so that owners can sit and socialize too. If your pup still needs more exercise, Iron Mountain Park, with its numerous hiking and biking trails, is also located in this neighborhood. 



South Texarkana

South Texarkana is a neighborhood in Texarkana, Arkansas, and is less than a mile from Texarkana in Texas, and offers up several activities that you can enjoy with your pooch. The Hobo Jungle Park is one of the largest parks in the neighborhood, with sports facilities, historic monuments, and plenty of green spaces for your dog to sniff about in. Other parks worth exploring with your pup include the 4.3 acre Vera Bradfield Park, with its playground and walking trails, as well as the one acre Peyton Park, with its majestic oak trees and paved walking trail. If you want to treat Fido to a bite to eat afterwards, head on over to Hopkins Icehouse, where the two of you can feast on pizzas, burgers and more. 



E 9th St/ N Oats St

About two miles from Texarkana, Texas, is the E 9th St/ N Oats St neighborhood of Texarkana in Arkansas, and there are two large parks here that your dog will absolutely love. The Ingraham Park features a large expanse of green grass, as well as a tennis court, playground, and a wooded area for your pooch to explore. The George Williams Park, which is just over an acre in size, will also no doubt get that tail wagging, as here you will find play equipment, picnic facilities and a scenic winding walking trail. Since these are both city parks, a lead for your dog is required at all times, and don't forget to bring some doggie bags with you too. 

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Texarkana, TX?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Texarkana, TX?


How long does a dog walk last in Texarkana, TX?


How to book a dog walk in Texarkana, TX?


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