Best dog walkers in New Glarus

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Best dog walkers in New Glarus

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1. kimberly S

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Verona, WI, 53593


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Verona, WI, 53593

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Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

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Why book a dog walker in New Glarus?

Booking a local dog walker in New Glarus, WI is easy with the Wag! app. Simply set your pup's preferences and location, then let the platform match you with the perfect dog walker near you. You can even track your dog's walk with the GPS map in the app and see a report card of your pup's playdate when they return home. Stress-free pet care is just a tap away, and dog walkers all over the New Glarus, WI are waiting to give your pooch the attention they deserve.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in New Glarus



Central New Glarus

If you are looking for a great place to explore nature with your pup, this neighborhood is the place to be. It has a great trail called the Sugar River State Trail, which runs for about 22 miles. This trail is a former railroad line that is now is part of the Rails-To-Trails. You will want to grab some water and your pup’s leash for a picture-perfect day in nature. Keep in mind the trail’s surface is asphalt and crushed gravel, so your pup’s paws may get hot, but there are trees providing shade along the way. Make sure to put on your walking shoes for a paw-some time.



Central Verona

This is a great place for you and your pooch to get in some exercise. The Badge Prairie Dog Park is about 20 minutes from New Glarus, Wisconsin. This 9-acre dog park is an off-leash park that has plenty of room for your pup to run around and explore. The grass is green, and the walking trails are mostly made of limestone. There are plenty of trees for shade and some spots to sit. Keep in mind that there is a permit fee to pay for visiting this park. It is not very high, but it would be best to contact the park office for more details, as the price could change. Grab a ball and some water for your pup, and prepare to get in shape at this park.



South Verona

This is a great place to spend the day in nature with your pup. The Prairie Moraine Park is a large, fenced-in park that expands through woods and across a prairie. This is an off-leash park; just be prepared for some moderate hills as you walk. Your pooch will have a blast running through the grassy meadows and sniffing all of the wild flowers. There are plenty of spots to sit along the way, with trees for shade. The park provides bags for waste disposal, but something to keep in mind is that you need to show a dog license or pay a $5 fee. There are so many trails to explore, guaranteeing that you and your pup will never get bored.



Central Madison

If you are looking to have a day full of playing with your pooch, this is the place for you. The Quann Dog Park is located about 25 miles northeast of New Glarus, Wisconsin. This off-leash, fenced-in dog park has a lot of space for your canine pal to run around and explore. You pup will love running through the grass playing fetch with you. There are not many trees for shade, and you will want to bring some water for you and your dog. There is a gravel trail that winds around a hill if you want to go for a walk. Bring your pup’s favorite toy for a paw-some time.



West Madison

If you and your pooch are looking for place to exercise, you should visit the Brittingham Dog Park. This park is a large, off-leash park that has a lot of space for your pup to run around and explore. The terrain is mostly grassy, and there are plenty of trees for shade. You will need to bring your own waste bags to clean-up after your pooch. There is also ample seating for owners and pets. Remember to grab a ball and some water for a fun filled day.

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in New Glarus, WI?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in New Glarus, WI?


How long does a dog walk last in New Glarus, WI?


How to book a dog walk in New Glarus, WI?


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